There was an Illogan Parish Council meeting tonight.
The council approved various decisions related to the construction of a parish office. At the moment the Illogan Parish Council (with an annual budget in excess of £100,000 pa) operates literally from a shed at the bottom of a garden. The new parish office will be part of an Illogan ‘hub’ project which, as well as providing a modern and utilitarian home for the parish council, will develop the existing facilities at the Illogan Village Hall providing more storage space and an enhanced main hall.
The Parish Plan process is now also complete. A final public consultation has been scheduled before publication in the next few months. The plan is the result of a lot of hard work put in by a working party of volunteers from the community. Once formally adopted and published it will provide a structure for policy decisions relating to community development over the coming years.
I am also pleased to report that the council are prepared to support the principle of openness and transparency in local government. In certain situations the council has the power to exclude the public and press from the decision making process. A complaint had been received concerning the way the council conducted its business at a recent planning meeting. Before the complaint was considered by the council an item on the agenda asked the council to resolve to exclude members of the press and public. This resolution was not passed and the complaint was dealt with in open session.