After the hectic Unitary election
campaign in April you might have thought that there would have been a month or
two for Mebyon Kernow members to relax – no chance!
We are starting work on reviewing
the party’s ‘Legislative Cornish Assembly Policy’ and we want members' input.
It is intended that the policy
that emerges from the review will be the most detailed and comprehensive policy
that we have ever produced on this subject and will provide a document that
will allow our councillors, candidate and activists to answer the questions
that are frequently asked about the feasibility of a Cornish Assembly on the
doorstep and in the press room.
The first stage of the policy review,
a members’ consultation, is now beginning and will last until September 30th
2013. We need to know what areas members think should be included in the
policy and any ideas or suggestions that you may have. Your input will then
form part of the data and research that the policy team will consider as they
create a first draft of the policy. There will be a further chance for members
to provide input once that draft has been completed.
If you would like to be involved in the policy
making process then contact me and I will email a pdf of the consultation document to you. It is also hoped that a new members' forum at will soon provide a useful vehicle for discussions.
Perhaps its time to let bygones be bygones and relaunch the cross party Cornish Constitutional convention. With now more MK councillors plus a Green and a strong showing for the Independents and LibDems maybe the time is right especially when you consider the fallout from Scottish affairs. Now more than ever an answer to the 'English question' is being sought so now more than ever we need a unified and strong voice for the Cornish question.