Friday, 3 May 2013

Quite Interesting

When you look at how many councillors were elected in relation to the number of candidates that stood MK come out quite favourably. Much better than Labour and UKIP who will no doubt continue to get the headlines.

Cornwall Councillors elected per 100 candidates:

Ind - 41.10%
LD - 39.56
Con - 30.10
MK - 15.38
Lab - 11.76
UKIP - 7.89
Green - 4.35
Lib - 0.00

1 comment:

  1. Then we have to get more people to stand. How can we be called the party for Cornwall with such a low number of candidates? Labour had names on many tickets and never even bothered to out out a leaflet!!!!
    The raising of the profile has to start here. Members have to get involved in all the campaigns going in their locale; Bedroom tax, stop the cuts, incinerators, concreting Cornwall, you name it. We need to seen and seen as active all the time. The name on the Ballot paper needs to be known within our communities. Bring it on!!!!


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