Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Illogan suffers - usual Lib Dem broken pledges

Illogan Parish Council is attempting to complete the transfer of Illogan Park into local control. Cornwall Council has been guilty over the last few years of neglect and poor maintenance and IPC and the people of Illogan want to take on the park and make it fit for purpose once more. All this has been agreed in principle between Cornwal Council and IPC.

However, Cornwall Council has been unable to produce certain vital information that has been requested by IPC and without which the transfer cannot take place. This has been the situation for many months now and the project is stalled because of this inability on the part of Cornwall Council to get the job done.

A month or so before the recent by-election in Illogan our newly elected Cornwall Councillor, David Ekinsmyth, met with his Lib Dem comrade and Cornwall Council portfolio holder for localism and devolution - Cllr Jeremy Rowe. We were told that this historic meeting would ensure that the log jam at County Hall would be freed up and that all would be well.

Cllr Ekinsmyth's election campaign portrayed him as the person that had solved the problems with the transfer of Illogan Park to IPC. Cllr Ekinsmyth was a man of action and the Lib Dems were the party who could get things done.

A month after the election and a second IPC devolution committee meeting has had to be cancelled because Cornwall Council are still unable to provide the information requested.

So much for intervention from portfolio holders and so much for the Lib Dems being the party of action in Illogan.

Just more broken Lib Dem pledges.

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