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Thursday 20 December 2012

Goodbye Mr Lavery

Unless there is some form of April Fool tradition in New Zealand that happens in December, it seems that Kevin Lavery will be derting the sinking ship that is Cornwall Council.

No doubt there will be many recriminations and much discussion as to the ins and outs of why Mr Lavery is leaving and why councillors weren't informed before a newspaper in New Zealand printed the story.

Personally I don't care. I am just glad to see the back of him. Clearly, from his CV (which we in Cornwall have just paid a small fortune to enhance) he was a career opportunist plain and simple - never making any long term commitment to any organisation that he has worked for.

Now that things were beginning to look as if they might go a bit sour for him is it any wonder that he's off to fresh pastures and new opportunities.

What concerns me more is the process of finding a new CEO.

Who is responsibe for this?

How is the process managed?

Who decides on the rate of pay and the job description?

Given Eric Pickles' latest suggestions, perhaps now would be a good time to start to reduce the ridiculously high salaries paid to the top level executives at Cornwall Council.

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