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Saturday 14 January 2012

Chris Ridgers - still out of touch

A while ago I blogged about Chris Ridgers (Cabinet member for Economy and Regeneration) being rude, arrogant and a little out of touch.

The mischievous Cllr Ridgers has been on Twitter today, urging us not to rejoice at France's loss (presumably a bit of Tory 'yah-boo' politics following the announcement of the downgrading of the French credit rating) but to celebrate Cornwall's success instead.

Cllr Ridgers provides this link.

As you can see the link is to the eGov site and features a propaganda press release from Cornwall Council which claims that the deeper and earlier than necessary Tory ideological cuts have resulted in a triple A rating for Cornwall Council.

An AAA rating is important because "The rating means that the Council will find it easier and cheaper to raise funds from the money markets if it needs to finance big capital projects. "

My question is this:

What big capital projects are Cornwall Council planning and how will these benefit the poverty-stricken people of Pengegon?

People who are probably a bit more concerned about the impact that the Tory cuts are having on their ability to feed their children than the CV's of the Conservative cabinet members.

Lets all join Chris and celebrate the abandonment of the least well off people in the UK.


  1. Interestingly, Cornwall County Council, who the current administration constantly claim was badly managed financially,also has a AAA rating.

  2. Interesting comment John that in itself is a good point. Credit ratings are signs that banks and financial institutions are happy with the way you conduct business not a yardstick for anything else at all.

  3. If Stephen is really interested in addressing Cornwall's poverty I suggest he reads the report at the end of the attached item http://democracy.cornwall.gov.uk/documents/s41500/Child%20Poverty%20-%20Appendix%201.pdf - note who chaired it - and then join me and others who are working hard to solve the poverty issues which he seems to delight in for political purposes.

  4. Thanks for your comment Chris.

    I have read the report which is dated June 2011.

    Might I also ask if you have a link to the follow up report which has looked into progress re the reccommendations that the report made. It would be good to know how you and Cornwall Council have progressed with this crucial work since the report was finished.


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