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Thursday 28 February 2013

A more constructive meeting!

While shameful Lib Dems and Tories were writing their election leaflets at the expense of jobs and services in Cornwall  I was attending my first meeting as a Trustee of the St Piran Trust.

The mood was positive, upbeat and businesslike and we covered a range of subjects from the upcoming, all new St Piran play to the planned excavation of St Piran's oratory late in the Summer.

The play will be a spectacle not to be missed. We have a new director and a new script with several additional scenes at various locations on the dunes along with children from local schools and a dance group - not to mention a surfing St Piran (if circumstances allow).

Haven have promised free car parking for everyone who wants to attend and their will be refreshments available straight afterwards. Please come along for 1:30pm and bring your flags and Cornish attire. As a special treat Skinners will be providing feee samples of their products - many thanks to them.

We are planning an excavation of the oratory - to commence late in the Summer when the water table should (theoretically at least) be at its lowest level. We have funding in place for this stage of the process which we hope will enable us to then go on and secure the oratory in a condition robust enough for the people of Cornwall, and the world, to come and appreciate what we have got. The only outstanding issue is the matter of the various permits that are required to allow the dig to go ahead and obtaining these are in hand.

Although we have the funds for an excavation we still need much more money to conserve and preserve the monument. One of our new Trustees, David Barrie, is an experienced fundraiser and has new and innovative plans to help us ensure that we reach our goals.

Please show your support for the Trust, the project St Piran and Cornwall and come along to the play on Sunday and the exhibition afterwards.

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