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Saturday 20 September 2014

Cornwall's Democratic Deficit

How many times do you hear that a National Cornish Assembly would be 'another layer of expensive politicians'?

The real facts are  that Cornwall has a massive democratic deficit! See our document on a National Assembly for Cornwall - sections 60 - 64.

So we are already spending less on democratically elected and accountable community representatives - democracy in Cornwall is being run on the cheap.

Further still we believe that a National Assembly would save money - even allowing for some extra administrative costs. An National Assembly for Cornwall could sweep away the politically appointed and democratically unaccountable quangos such as the LEP.

The Cornish LEP came into being in a blaze of glory claiming that thousands of jobs would be created. Several years later and the only job that can be laid fairly and squarely at the door of the LEP is the one that carries a big salary - the post of LEP chairman!

Instead of privatising public bodies and spending public money on boosting private profit a Cornish Assembly could make investments in public services.

Not another layer of expensive politicians - a way of making them more accountable to the people and helping to improve public services.

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