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Saturday 24 January 2015

How embarassing for 'Cornwall [sic] Labour'

How embarrassing for Hannah Toms and Candy Atherton!

At the end of last year the Western Morning News published remarks by Candy Atherton, which were publicly supported by Hannah Toms, the Labour prospective parliamentary candidate for Truro and Falmouth.

Basically Cllrs Atherton & Toms claimed that you wouldn’t find anyone on the doorstep that supported the idea of a Cornish Assembly. Instead we were exhorted to support the failed and discredited Labour policy of regional assemblies – where Cornwall would form an anonymous part of a South West English region stretching up to Gloucestershire.

So how does ‘Cornwall [sic] Labour’ deal with the remarks from Ed balls in Camborne just a few days ago. Apparently the Labour Party made a great mistake previously and devolution to Cornwall is actually just what the doctor ordered. Is there an election coming up or something?

Shame that he didn’t tell Cornwall Labour how the wind was blowing just a few short months ago? But then why should the Labour party be any different to any other Westminster party in treating Cornwall and its people with utter contempt and disregard?


  1. I stood as a candidate for UKIP at the County Council Elections in 2013 and was very impressed at the courtesy and good manners of all those M.K. opponents, with whom I may not always agree on some political points, but whom I respect, as some opponents of other parties descend to deplorable levels of crudity and even filth in their pathetic attempts to denigrate people who support or represent other parties. Not so, those MK supporters, who were very courteous and indeed the Highest Common Factors, instead of the Lowest Common Multiples !

  2. As a former candidate in 2013, I knocked on many doors during my election campaign and there were many voters who support a Cornish Assembly and would vote for it. Voters of all so called political shades, by which I mean right, left and centre !
    Lomond Handley


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