
Welcome to the blog. All the opinion on this blog is my own or as attributed. Thank you for reading - I hope you enjoy.

Wednesday 29 April 2015

Please vote for Cornwall on May 7th

Dear Friends,

If you vote for a Westminster party then you will get a Westminster government! They are all the same.

Please avoid wasting your vote for the next five years on more Westminster tomfoolery and vote for me in the Truro and Falmouth constituency or by an MK candidate in Cornwall.

Unlike the Westminster parties we believe that commitment to Cornwall should be for life and not just an election campaign.

If you want Cornwall to have a strong voice in Westminster rather than opting to choose another Westminster voice in Cornwall then please vote carefully.

You will hear that if you want to stop the Tories then you have to vote for the Liberal Democrats or the only alternative is to vote for Labour. Don't be fooled - vote with your heart.

... and don't vote for the sake of your parents - vote for the sake of your children - join me and Mebyon Kernow in forging a new future for Cornwall.

So remember - if you want:
  • An MP  who will work tirelessly for their constituency and for the best interests of Cornwall;
  • An MP who will fight to ensure that all planning and development policies, decisions and appeals are made in Cornwall by the people of Cornwall;
  • An MP who will lobby to build more council houses instead of selling them off;
  • An MP that will fight to redress the imbalance of central government funding funding that is so detrimental to Cornish communities;
  • An MP who will campaign to use £100 billion to build hospitals, schools and communities instead of risking our security through Trident nuclear weapons;
  • An MP who cares about the environment and whose party has real and credible green policies;
  • An MP which believes that we need to be outward and forward looking rather than introspective and insular and who will fight for a reformed EU and an MEP for Cornwall;
  • An MP who will fight for democratic accountability to the people of Cornwall for public spending in Cornwall through a devolved national assembly;
  • An MP who will endeavour to create a joined up and properly funded health service in Cornwall which is measured by clinical success rather than the balance sheet
...  then you should vote for me - or an MK candidate in your constituency.

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