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Monday 25 March 2013

Only Mebyon Kernow

Only Mmebyon Kernow has a housing and planning policy that looks to solving Cornwall's housing crisis for the long term.

We have a bespoke policy for Cornwall.

We believe that Westminster is remote from Cornwall and does not understand the needs of the people of Cornwall.

While the London based parties pursue hyperdevelopment as a Holy Grail that will somehow produce jobs and heal all oureconomic ills, we believe that we need a planning policy for Cornwall that looks to providing housing for local need only and investing European money wisely to help our small and medium businesses to create real jobs.

We have had several generations of massive population growth in Cornwall yet our GDP is still less than 75% of the European average. How much longer will it be before it finally sinks in that building houses does NOT lead to a stronger economy.

But when it comes to fighting Cornwall's corner the London based parties in Cornwall are impotent. Of course you have the odd exception and maverick concillor who will risk incurring the wrath of their political bosses in SW1 because they either understand what is needed or because they want to make sure they win their next election. However, most are just prepared to bang on about building 'affordables' and perpetuate the building our way out of recession myth.

Don't waste your vote on May 2nd by voting for the London led, indiscriminate house building policies of the Conservatives, Lib Dems and Labour parties. Vote instead to send a message that the concreting of Cornwall MUST stop. Vote for your local Mebyon Kernow candidate on election day.

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