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Wednesday 18 January 2012

Illogan to Develop a Neighbourhood Plan

Tonight Illogan Parish Council voted to begin the process of devloping a neighbourhood plan as envisaged by the coalition's (anything but) Localsim Act.

It was clear that, across the board, there was frustration with the whole planning process which will not allow the people in Illogan to decide how Illogan is to be developed or more importantly if it should be developed at all.

We voted unanimously to constitute a body to take the neighbourhood planning process forward.

What was particularly heartening was the desire of the whole parish council to involve the community in the way the plan will be completed.

We want to engage in real consultation and not the indoctrination being carried out by Cornwall Council in relation to the Core Strategy (but more of that in another blog).

Of course we won't be able to produce the plan that residents have already indicated they want when the Parish Plan was finalised - but we hope to ensure that the door is not left open to developers to move in and push for more development than even Cornwall Counil's agenda for growth demands.

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